Exclusive 5% discount for COBIS Schools
on our online learning service
EduCare and Council of British International Schools (COBIS) work together to offer high-quality, effective online Safeguarding and Duty of Care training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to British International Schools.
EduCare's bestselling online learning service combines over 30 high-quality courses with a robust reporting suite that will evidence learning to inspectors.
Safer Recruitment for International Schools and Child Protection for International Schools are included within the international schools’ version of the service and have been produced in conjunction with the Professional Development Team at COBIS to reflect the unique needs of an international audience.
Other courses within the package have also been tailored specifically for international schools.

COBIS Accredited Members and Candidate Schools are eligible for a 5% discount when they purchase EduCare for Education.
For more information or to register for your no obligation FREE trial, just enter your details in the form below.
Training courses
The following courses will provide essential Safeguarding and Duty of Care knowledge and are all included within the service.

Child Protection for International Schools
Child Protection for International Schools, developed in partnership with COBIS, is designed to provide international educational settings with a thorough insight into child protection.
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Safer Recruitment for International Schools
This course on safer recruitment looks at what international education settings need to do to safeguard children and young people from unsuitable people who might apply to join these organisations.
Read moreChild Protection for International Schools
- Understand what forms child abuse can take and the effects it can have
- Understand radicalisation, extremism and the Prevent duty
- Recognise signs that may mean a child is suffering abuse and how to respond if a child confides in you
- Understand processes for reporting abuse
- Know the child protection system
- Identify good practice guidelines
Safer Recruitment for International Schools
This four module course comprehensively covers:
- Recognise the dangers international schools may face
- Understand the four key stages of the recruitment process
- Organise pre-recruitment plans and understand what must be in place before you advertise your post
- Learn about rejecting candidates and meeting the right ones
- Learn what is required from vetting checks, including the International Child Protection Certificate and COBIS revision
- Learn about post-recruitment activities

Child Neglect for International Schools
This course for international schools will provide a thorough insight into child neglect, covering the essential facts to raise your awareness of neglect.
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Preventing Bullying for International Schools
The purpose of this course is to help you understand, recognise and prevent bullying behaviour.
Read moreChild Neglect for International Schools
This course will help you understand:
- Understand what neglect is and how common it is.
- Recognise the different areas of a child or young person’s life that neglect may touch and the cost of neglect to society.
- Identify the key components of effective parenting and the factors that may contribute to child neglect.
- Understand the work of professionals in children’s social care, whose job it is to weigh up all the factors and consider interventions to protect children who may be at risk of harm.
- Identify the signs and indicators that should alert you to the possibility a child or young person is being neglected and how to report your concerns.
Preventing Bullying for International Schools
At the end of the course, learners will:
- Understand what bullying is, including the five components of bullying behaviour.
- Identify who may be affected by bullying, as there are some groups of people who are likely to be more affected than others.
- Understand the role technology can play in bullying behaviour (cyberbullying).
- Be able to recognise a child who may be being bullied and understand the damaging physical and emotional effects.
- Be able to put actions in place to tackle bullying in their organisation or setting.

Health and Safety for International Schools
This course will provide a thorough insight into health and safety in an international education setting.
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First Aid Essentials for International Schools
This course provides a thorough insight into first aid, covering the essentials needed to react in an incident when someone urgently needs help.
Read moreHealth and Safety for International Schools
This course covers how to:
- Understand how to manage and control hazards to protect people at work.
- Learn about risk assessment and how it is carried out.
- Identify common safety hazards.
- Recognise what employers must do to comply.
- Understand hazards around working at height, manual handling, computer
work stations and noise. - Understand how health and safety issues should be organised.
- How to prevent accidents from happening by ensuring health and safety.
- Understand what can go wrong and how to deal with unplanned events.
First Aid Essentials for International Schools
This course covers:
- Learn how to provide basic life support.
- Learn how to react in life threatening situations.
- Identify someone who is choking, drowning, seizing, bleeding or having an allergic reaction, and act accordingly.
- Understand what to do if somebody has broken a bone or experienced a burn.
- Acquire the knowledge to handle day-to-day incidents.

Fire Safety for International Schools
This course for international schools will provide a thorough insight into fire safety, cover the essential facts to protect any education premises against fire and offer guidance to ensure the safety of all staff and students.
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Use of Reasonable Force in Schools
Whilst the use of reasonable force in schools should be seen as a last resort in handling a serious incident, this course explains when and how it may be used.
Read moreFire Safety for International Schools
This course covers:
- Understand the importance of fire safety training including legislation.
- Learn the nature of the fire.
- Recognise fire hazards.
- Identify what to do in the event of a fire.
- Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.
Use of Reasonable Force in Schools
The main objectives for this course are:
- Understand what reasonable force is and who can use it
- Learn when reasonable force can be used
- Understand what happens in situations when reasonable force has been used
- Identify good practice about incidents involving reasonable force

Female Genital Mutilation Awareness
This course will provide a thorough guide to help those working with young people spot the signs that Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has taken place, or signs that it will take place.
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Concussion Awareness
Everyone involved in sport and education has an important role to play in the management of concussion and this course is designed to provide the essential knowledge to help keep everyone safe.
Read moreFemale Genital Mutilation Awareness
This course covers:
- Understand what the law states regarding FGM and the mandatory reporting duty
- Learn the prevalence, consequences and different types of FGM
- Recognise the signs that FGM has taken place, or signs that a girl is at risk
- Learn the roles and responsibilities of professionals.
- Understand the importance of working together
Concussion Awareness
This course provides an overview of what a concussion is, how signs and symptoms may present in an injured person and how to manage the injury.
By the end of the course you will:
- understand what concussion is
- recognise the signs and symptoms that may suggest a concussion has occurred
- learn what the immediate and ongoing management of concussion should be
- be familiar with the “red flags” that indicate an injured person should be transferred for urgent medical assessment
- be able to identify what the risks are following a concussion and how they can be minimised.

Equality & Diversity
This two module interactive course is for all employers and employees who would like to learn about what Equality and Diversity policies are and what implementing them looks like in an organisation.
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How to be an Effective Fire Warden or Fire Marshal
This course is aimed at employees who undertake additional fire safety roles and responsibilities in the form of fire marshals or fire wardens as part of their daily duties.
Read moreEquality & Diversity
This two module course delivers two CPD hours and comprehensively covers:
- what equality and diversity mean and how they affect you
- barriers that can prevent equality from being realised such as prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, victimisation and harassment
- key legislation and both employer and employees’ responsibilities in relation to it
- the Equality Act 2010 and the ‘protected characteristics’ that form the basis of the law
How to be an Effective Fire Warden or Fire Marshal
This course covers:
- the importance of effective fire safety procedures
- the legal position and the requirement for effective safety management systems that demonstrate statutory compliance
- what should be included in a fire policy and procedure
- the systems required to ensure the safety of vulnerable people such as employees or visitors with disabilities
Moving and Handling
This course is aimed at employees who undertake moving and handling inanimate objects as part of their daily activity.
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Food Hygiene and Safety
This Food Hygiene & Safety course is specifically designed for those who prepare and handle food.
Read moreMoving and Handling
This course can be used as part of an employee’s induction programme, as a demonstration of employee theoretic competency and/or as refresher training.
The aim of the course is to guide you through:
- the legal position
- appreciating the costs related to moving and handling injuries
- the TILE assessment process
- understanding and appreciating the principles of safe lifting techniques
- identifying effective control measures that can be used to reduce the risk of injury
- supporting your
organisation to develop a positive health and safety culture, with the application of a sensible proportionate approach.
Food Hygiene and Safety
This four module course delivers five CPD hours and comprehensively covers:
- how bacteria can cause food-borne illness
- recognising high risk foods and food allergies
- contamination and food spoilages and how to control it
- effective hygiene
- the importance of storage
- HACCP and the law
The Prevent Duty
This course is designed to build your understanding of extremism and radicalisation, how people may be drawn into terrorism and what you should do if you have a concern.
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Child Protection in Sport & Active Leisure
Encouraging children and young people to participate in sport or physical activity has countless benefits, ranging from improved physical and mental health to promoting friendships and building confidence. Voluntary organisations, and public and private sector providers play an important role. Anybody involved in organising, delivering or supervising sport and active leisure activities has a responsibility for child protection.
Read moreThe Prevent Duty
This one module course delivers one CPD hour and comprehensively covers:
- what Prevent is
- what extremism and radicalisation are
- who may be vulnerable
- how people may be drawn into terrorism
- how messages are spread
- reporting concerns.
Child Protection in Sport & Active Leisure
This course will help to raise your awareness of abuse and neglect, to recognise early signs that might indicate a problem and show you how to take action if you know or suspect that a child or young person needs help.
This CPD training and is also endorsed by Kidscape and Family Lives who are leading experts in child protection.
- child development
- categories of child abuse
- responding to abuse and creating a safe environment

Administration of Medication in Schools
Schools and early years settings must have a policy and procedures in place for the administration of medication to children and young people. This course contains statutory and non-statutory guidance on the operation of such a system and the responsibilities of staff and parents.
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Raising Awareness of Trafficking and Modern Slavery
The term modern slavery acknowledges the fact that millions of people are still held in conditions of slavery and servitude globally – including in the UK. This course raises awareness of this issue.
Read moreAdministration of Medication in Schools
The purpose of this course is to help you understand:
- The laws that apply to the administration of medication
- The principles for safe practice in administering medication
- The training requirements for schools, including how to administer prescribed medicine and awareness training for relevant medical conditions
- The requirements for record keeping, including consent forms and records of all medicines administered to individual children
- Planning for activities outside of school, such as school trips and residential visits
- The policies and procedures schools should have in place
Raising Awareness of Trafficking and Modern Slavery
The purpose of this course is to help you understand:
- What modern slavery and trafficking are
- Different types of trafficking
- Who trafficking affects
- The Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Internal trafficking and county lines
- How to spot the signs of trafficking
- How to report concerns about a trafficked child or adult

Raising Awareness of Honour-Based Abuse and Forced Marriage
Whilst growing up, a child may be taught that a set of behaviours are deemed to be honourable. If they display any dishonourable behaviours they may be abused by their family or members of their community as punishment. This course was written in partnership with Karma Nirvana, a national award-winning charity that supports both men and women affected by forced marriage and/or honour-based abuse.
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Domestic Abuse: Children and Young People
Every day children and young people experience domestic abuse at home and can suffer a wide range of severe and long-lasting effects. The purpose of the course is to raise your awareness of children and young people who may be experiencing domestic abuse. Written in partnership with SafeLives, a national charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse.
Read moreRaising Awareness of Honour-Based Abuse and Forced Marriage
The purpose of this course is to help you:
- understand what honour-based abuse is
- understand the difference between a forced marriage and arranged marriage
- understand the prevalence of this type of abuse
- understand which communities are affected
- recognise what laws exist to protect people
- be aware of early signs that might indicate abuse
- know what action to take if you know or suspect that a young person is at risk
- understand the motives and consequences of forced marriage
- know what support is available.
Domestic Abuse: Children and Young People
The purpose of this course is to help you understand:
- What domestic abuse is and what forms it can take
- What controlling and coercive behaviour is
- The prevalence of domestic abuse
- They key risk factors to be aware of
- Some of the trigger events that can lead to violence
- The impact domestic violence can have
- What protective factors there are
- What to do when you suspect a child or young person is witnessing and/or experiencing domestic abuse
- What support, help and advice is available

Adverse Childhood Experiences
The purpose of this course is to help you understand what adverse childhood experiences are and how they may affect children growing up. Using statistical evidence, the course also highlights the potential impact that ACEs can have in adulthood. Not everyone who has been exposed to ACEs will have negative outcomes, but understanding ACEs will help support the work and relationships you have with children.
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Overcoming Loneliness Online Course
Loneliness can affect anyone from any background at any time of their life. It is often associated with the elderly, but children and young people also become lonely and isolated. This course is written in partnership with The Children’s Society, a national charity that works with the country’s most vulnerable children and young people. It will help you to understand what is meant by loneliness, the triggers for loneliness and how it can affect children or young people. Also included are ideas for helping children and young people overcome loneliness and where to go for further support.
Read moreAdverse Childhood Experiences
The purpose of the course is to help you:
- understand what ACEs are & the two main categories
- understand trauma including the concept of 'Fight, Flight or Freeze' mode
- understand the term toxic stress and its effects on the developing brains of children and adolescents
- understand attachment theory and the differences between secure and insecure attachment in children
- be aware of the potential negative impact (supported by statistics) that being exposed to ACEs
- understand what the protective factors are
- understand what children and young people who experience trauma need to enable them to cope
- improve your listening skills to help you understand the child’s perspective and offer them appropriate support
- understand resilience and how working with parents can help a child become more resilient
- understand what you can do to help break the cycle of ACEs when working with children and families.
Overcoming Loneliness Online Course
- The key transitional times
- What does loneliness mean?
- Vulnerable groups
- The effects of loneliness
- Overcoming loneliness
- Support & reflective summary
- Triggers for loneliness
- What we know about loneliness
Child Protection Basics for International Schools
Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. This course delivers essential information about child protection issues for those that work or volunteer in an education setting, who have minimal contact with children and young people.
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Staying Safe Online for International Schools
The purpose of this course is to help you understand how technology is changing, the nature of children and young people’s online world, and the risk and protective factors when going online. The course has a wide range of practical advice on what can be done by you as an individual and by any organisation you work for. This includes good practice guidelines, where you can go for help and support, and an extensive range of easy to access online resources. The course was written in partnership with Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
Read moreChild Protection Basics for International Schools
This course introduces common types of child maltreatment and the signs that might indicate a child is experiencing abuse. It also gives guidance on how to respond if you have safeguarding concerns or a child confides abuse to you.
After completing the course you will:
Understand what child abuse is, and the difference between safeguarding and child protection.
Realise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that being vigilant is crucial
Recognise some of the signs of abuse and the characteristics of neglect
Know how to respond if you have a concern or if a child confides abuse to you
Know how to share information and how to deal with allegations against staff in your organisation
Have considered different real-life scenarios to enable you to implement good and safe working practices

Reflective Safeguarding Practice for International Schools
Reflective practice allows you to recognise and reflect on your experiences in order to learn from them and improve the way you work. This course uses scenarios for you to reflect on, thinking about actions that fit the policies for your own school. It will also encourage you to consider the safeguarding and child protection support services available in your country.
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Understanding Anxiety for International Schools
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear and unease. Everyone will feel anxious or stressed at some point in their life; these are natural emotional responses to some situations. The purpose of this course is to help you support children and young people who may be experiencing anxiety.
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Understanding Self-Harm for International Schools
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. A person may use physical pain as a way of distracting themselves from emotional pain, giving them temporary relief.
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Understanding Low Mood and Depression for International Schools
Low mood causes us to feel sad, anxious or worried and is an appropriate reaction to things that we experience in life. Depression however, is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed-up for a few days. This course will help you understand these issues.
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Child Exploitation for International Schools
Child exploitation refers to a child or young person being used for someone else’s gain. Child exploitation is a form of abuse which can involve sexual, abusive or manipulative behaviour.
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Staff Wellbeing for International Schools
Staff wellbeing is of critical importance to schools, and whether you want to focus on your own wellbeing or are looking out for your colleagues, you will find information, guidance and support in this course. It considers the meaning of wellbeing, its impact on individuals and the workplace, common mental health issues and the causes of work-related stress. The course also explores what positive staff wellbeing means in practice, and how you can help to create it for yourself and your school.
Read moreStaff Wellbeing for International Schools
Staff wellbeing is of critical importance to schools, and whether you want to focus on your own wellbeing or are looking out for your colleagues, you will find information, guidance and support in this course. It considers the meaning of wellbeing, its impact on individuals and the workplace, common mental health issues and the causes of work-related stress. The course also explores what positive staff wellbeing means in practice, and how you can help to create it for yourself and your school.

Promoting SEND Inclusion for International Schools
This course begins by defining SEND inclusion and looks at the contribution that you and others can make towards it. You will consider how local law affects the issue and find out about different models for describing inclusion. The course includes practical suggestions and advice for promoting SEND inclusion in your own school and finishes with four case studies.
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Child-on-Child Abuse for International Schools
Child-on-child abuse is any form of physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and/or coercive control exercised between children and young people. It includes intimate and non-intimate relationships. This course will help you to understand the different types of peer-on-peer abuse and who it may affect. You will also learn about the factors that increase the likelihood of it occurring and the signs that can help you to recognise it. This learning will help you to prevent, and respond to, child-on-child abuse.
Read morePromoting SEND Inclusion for International Schools
This course begins by defining SEND inclusion and looks at the contribution that you and others can make towards it.
You will consider how local law affects the issue and find out about different models for describing inclusion. The course includes practical suggestions and advice for promoting SEND inclusion in your own school and finishes with four case studies.
Child-on-Child Abuse for International Schools
This course will help you to understand the different types of peer-on-peer abuse and who it may affect.

Dealing with Bereavement and Loss for International Schools
This course will help you to understand how loss, bereavement and grief may affect a child or young person. The death of someone a child loves or cares about is one of the most fundamental losses that a child will ever experience, and without the right support it can lead to a range of challenges, some of which can persist into adulthood.
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Safeguarding Young People for International Schools
The purpose of the course is to raise your awareness of young people who may be vulnerable because of their age, relative inexperience, past abusive experiences or current circumstances
Read moreDealing with Bereavement and Loss for International Schools
This course will help you to understand how loss, bereavement and grief may affect a child or young person. The death of someone a child loves or cares about is one of the most fundamental losses that a child will ever experience, and without the right support it can lead to a range of challenges, some of which can persist into adulthood.
Safeguarding Young People for International Schools
This four module course delivers four CPD hours and comprehensively covers:
- Signs and indications of abuse
- Responding to safeguarding concerns
- Good practice guidelines

Children's Mental Wellbeing for International Schools
This course provides an understanding of what mental health is and the common issues faced by children and young people in international schools. The course looks at the significant risk factors that mean children may be more vulnerable to poor mental health, and also helps you to spot signs of distress. The myths and stigma surrounding mental health are discussed, as well as the factors that can protect children, such as helping them to build resilience. There is practical advice on supporting children and the course is underpinned with scenarios.
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A Guide to International Data Protection: Education
This course will give you a firm understanding of the principles of data protection, as well as acquaint you with the essential requirements in your school.
Read moreChildren's Mental Wellbeing for International Schools
This course provides an understanding of what mental health is and the common issues faced by children and young people in international schools.
A Guide to International Data Protection: Education
Data protection issues are increasingly at the forefront of people’s minds because the consequences of getting it wrong are very serious. Endorsed by 9ine, specialists in data protection, this course will give you a firm understanding of the principles of data protection, as well as acquaint you with the essential requirements in your school.

Child Protection for International Schools: Spanish language bundle
This two-course bundle contains our Child Protection for International Schools and Child Protection Basics for International Schools courses, both delivered in the Spanish language. This bundle is available as an addition to EduCare for Education, our online learning service.
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Child Protection for International Schools: Arabic language bundle
This two-course bundle contains our Child Protection for International Schools and Child Protection Basics for International Schools courses, both delivered in the Arabic language. This bundle is available as an addition to EduCare for Education, our online learning service.
Read moreChild Protection for International Schools: Spanish language bundle
The courses included in this package are below:
Child Protection for International Schools: Arabic language bundle
The courses included in this package are below:

Parental Responsibility for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in international school settings. It aims to improve your understanding of your obligations and duties as school staff, governing bodies, and trustees in relation to the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians.
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Dyslexia Awareness for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in international education settings.
Read moreParental Responsibility for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in international school settings.
It aims to improve your understanding of your obligations and duties as school staff, governing bodies, and trustees in relation to the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians.
Dyslexia Awareness for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in international education settings.
It aims to improve your understanding and approach to young people with dyslexia in a classroom environment.

Understanding the Role of the Safeguarding Lead for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works or volunteers with children and young people in international school settings. It aims to improve your awareness of the importance of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), to develop your understanding of the role in greater detail, and to show how the role relates to your own position.
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Overcoming Loneliness for International Schools
This one-module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in education settings. It aims to improve your understanding and approach to dealing with loneliness and triggers for loneliness in a classroom environment.
Read moreUnderstanding the Role of the Safeguarding Lead for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works or volunteers with children and young people in international school settings.
It aims to improve your awareness of the importance of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL), to develop your understanding of the role in greater detail, and to show how the role relates to your own position.
Overcoming Loneliness for International Schools
This one-module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in education settings.
It aims to improve your understanding and approach to dealing with loneliness and triggers for loneliness in a classroom environment.

Equality and Diversity for International Schools
This one module interactive course is for anyone who works with children and young people in international education settings. It aims to improve your understanding and approach to equality and diversity in a classroom environment.
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Benefits of training with EduCare
Ensures staff are always up-to-date on

Verified for CPD
All training courses have been verified to provide learners with CPD hours.
Progress Monitoring
Administrators and managers can monitor learner progress with powerful management reports.
Full Coverage
Staff who may be in different locations, with varying work patterns, can all access the same content.
Personalised, certificates can be downloaded by each learner upon successful completion of any course.
24-7 Access
All courses are delivered online and can be accessed by anyone, at home or at work, 24-7.

Our UK based Customer Services team are available to answer queries by phone, email or online chat.

Unlimited access
All new starters, support staff, volunteers, governors and parents can access training throughout the year. Unlimited really means unlimited.

All our training courses are designed to be simple, clear and concise.

Peace of mind
Training will be regularly updated as standards are introduced or modified.