Test staff knowledge with our twenty questions

Test staff knowledge with our twenty questions

It is important to continually assess staff knowledge and check compliance with legislation and statutory guidance. 

Use the following set of questions to test your staff’s knowledge on duty of care within your school.

We have divided the questions into areas covering:

  • Safeguarding
  • Compliance
  • Wellbeing
  • Health and Safety

Test safeguarding knowledge

Who are these questions for? 
All those working with children and young people within a school.

  1. What is the Department for Education’s document Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)? As someone that works with children which sections must you read and understand? Which version of KCSIE have you read?
  2. Who is the designated safeguarding lead in your school?
  3. A child gives you a gift from their holiday. What does your school policy say about receiving gifts?
  4. A young person sends you a Facebook request. In accordance with your school policy what should you do? 
  5. What is your understanding of peer-on-peer abuse? What does your school do to create a culture where peer-on-peer abuse is not accepted?


Questions to ask to assess knowledge of compliance

Suggested staff: Leadership team, governors, trustees, DSL 

  1. Do you know where your single central register is? Is it up to date?
  2. Your school would like to involve the community more and as such have sent out advertisements for volunteers. What checks should you do with volunteers? What induction process will they have and what supervision?
  3. What is personal data? How is personal data used in your school and how is it protected by all staff?
  4. A pupil has not returned from the summer break. You have had no notification from the parents. Friends of the child do not know where they are and have not seen them over the holiday period. Following your children missing education procedure, what should you do?
  5. You have had a late admission to the school for a looked after child from a neighbouring authority. You are aware that attendance at their last school was poor, and they also had been excluded on several occasions. What is your school policy on admissions in relation to poor attendance and exclusions?


How to support wellbeing in your school

Suggested staff: Heads of year, pastoral staff, DSL, SENDCO 

  1. Over the summer holiday, a pupil’s parent passed away. The parent regularly helped with the football team. Do you have a bereavement policy in place? Do you feel confident in supporting the child? Do you know what support is available locally and nationally?
  2. A pupil comes to you and tells that they have been self-harming. Do you know what procedures you should follow and what support is available for that child?
  3. What is ADHD and what should be done to support children with ADHD?
  4. Can you identify key times of the year when pupils in the school may be more anxious? What support do you have in place to deal with these times?
  5. You are concerned about a member of staff’s mental health. What should you do?


Do staff understand the essential aspects of Health and Safety?

 Who should answer these questions? 
Premises team, catering staff, leadership, staff with health and safety responsibility (first aiders, fire wardens),   staff that have responsibility for pupils with medical needs

  1.  You have a pupil in your class that has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. Are there care procedures in place to support the child and the family? What documentation should be in place that you should follow?
  2. Children should be encouraged and supported to self-manage their medication wherever possible. Is this true or false?
  3. You work in a school building that dates to the 1950’s so there is a risk of the building containing asbestos. Do you know when and why asbestos is a problem?
  4. There is an incident between two pupils which requires a member of staff to physically intervene. What is your school’s policy on the use of reasonable force?
  5. Do you fully understand the school’s fire emergency plans? What action should you take in the event of a fire?


Train staff quickly and easily at a price that is right

Our online learning service contains all you need to train staff on Safeguarding, Compliance, Wellbeing and Health & Safety. All staff can access over 35 courses on an unlimited basis for one annual price that is based on pupil-roll numbers, and not per-learner.

Request a quote today and see how much you can save

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