Don't Let Your Continuing Professional Development Become A Box Ticking Exercise

Don't Let Your Continuing Professional Development Become A Box Ticking Exercise

Work moves fast, and that often means that your staff have to move quickly too. The result of this is that certain aspects of professional life, such as continuing to develop new skills, aren’t given the time and attention that they really should be. That’s why you should consider online training to help boost the skills of your team in a constructive and engaging way.

Making sure that your team have the skills to stay on top of their game is an incredibly important part of being an effective manager or employer. As your workplace dynamics evolve year after year, with new people coming on board and the nature of your work naturally evolving, it’s essential to ensure that your team are continuing their professional development so that they can continue to do the best job possible. This is where continuing professional development comes in.

What Is Continuing Professional Development?

Continuing professional development (CPD) refers to the learning activities that professionals undertake in order to strengthen and enhance their skills. A CPD training has an emphasis on active learning over active participation so that skills are properly developed as opposed to merely passively skimmed over. This makes it a perfect fit for online training because employees can self-pace their learning around their hectic schedules.

Ensure That Your Employees Are Engaged By Their Online Training

It’s not always the easy to facilitate continuing professional development or CPD training activities for your staff. When you have a packed schedule, it can be incredibly difficult to make time for continuing professional development. So what can you do, as an employer, to make continuing professional development genuinely valuable for your staff?

One of the first things to do is to identify the specific skills that your team members need to develop. Once this has been identified, and you’ve had a discussion with your employees about where they’d like to focus their skills, they can go about selecting one of the thousands of online training courses that are available.

Continuing Professional Development can encompass a whole different range of learning techniques and methodologies. However, one of the reasons that online training can be very effective as an approach to CPD is that it allows for an individual to focus on the skills that they want to develop while working a pace that’s ideal for them.

Online CPD training is designed to directly engage the trainee by utilising all of the best resources and learning techniques that technology has to offer. An online training uses dynamic video content, drag and drop questions, interactive images, scenario-based questions, and “fill in the blank” tasks to engage with learners. This range of different learning prompts help trainees to truly observe the information that they’re being exposed to.

Continuing professional development offers a genuine opportunity for your staff to not only widen the extent of their abilities and skills but to truly excel in their roles. Don’t let it be simply a matter of “Oh, we have to get that done”  — empower your staff, consider what skills they’d like to learn, allow them to take on some online learning.

Want to learn more about your options for continuing professional development or CPD training? Get in touch and we’ll guide you through it!

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