Child Protection: Practical Guidelines

Child Protection: Practical Guidelines

As the UK's leading provider of Safeguarding and Duty of Care training, our primary focus is on ‘duty of care’ to help keep children, young people and adults safe from harm. 

Safeguarding: What are your responsibilities?

If you work with children, you will be aware that you have both a legal and moral responsibility towards them.

There is a great deal you can do to safeguard them and promote their wellbeing.

Taken from one of our Child Protection courses, here are some practical guidelines which should help you understand your responsibilities and what is good practice.

Respect All Individuals

Personal Code of Conduct

Ensure your training is up to date

Maintain ongoing awareness

Be open and accessible

Enquire about behaviours


These practical guidelines have been taken from our Child Protection in Sport and Active Leisure training course. Part of our EduCare for Sport® training package, this course has been written with both Kidscape and Family Lives. If you would like to know more, please contact us using our enquiry form, or call us on 01926 436 212.

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