Schools budgeting – how to get the best VfM
In the age of austerity, getting the best value for money (VfM) has never been so important.
What are the best ways to get VfM for your school?
We have spoken to enough schools to learn a thing or two about managing a budget. Here’s what our customers tell us about how they are getting the best VfM for their school.
- Benchmark costs – the DfE encourages schools to benchmark, their financial benchmarking website is a great place to start.
- Quality, not Quantity – from the experience of teaching staff, to the whiteboards in the classrooms, sometimes VfM can come from the added value of spending a little more.
- Don’t just tick a box – there is some expenditure that cannot be cut but that doesn't mean you cannot make savings. Don’t be resigned to it. A little imaginative thinking will always win in the end.
- Plan, plan and plan – communicate with staff and parents to ensure there are no nasty (or pleasant!) surprises around the corner.
- Record waste – what did you pay for that wasn’t used? Why? Don’t make the same mistake a second time around.
- Communicate – school staff, volunteers, parents and governors are the ears and eyes of any school or setting. They will know, and will always be willing to feedback, on how savings can be made, and where money is being spent unnecessarily.
- Who you know – your students come from a diverse range of backgrounds, their parents and guardians will be trained in a plethora of different skills. How can you harness that knowledge?
- Be holistic – see the schools budget as a whole. Where can expenditure in one area cover a need in another? Remember the motto: Two birds with one stone!
- Make use of free content – the web is full of a range of resources that will help with lesson planning, staff training, activities, even classroom equipment! There is a reason why teachers love freecycle!
- Harness volunteers – as parkrun has shown us. Grass-roots volunteer driven activities empower people and communities. Local businesses may want to get involved as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility. Don’t be afraid to ask.
- Collaborate – your neighbouring schools are all in the same position as you. If you are not in the enviable position of being part of a group of schools you can still enjoy the benefits of buying in bulk if you work together
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8 ways we provide fantastic VfM
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- We offer multi-buy discounts across our full product range. Members of associations such as IAPS and COBIS re also entitled to generous discounts.
- Our content is continually refreshed. You won’t have to invest in new training if legislation changes.
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We are confident we deliver fantastic VfM and will ensure you remain consistent and compliant in all legal and moral areas of Duty of Care and Safeguarding.
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