Technical Specifications

The EduCare e-learning courses are accessed via a secure, web-based learning environment referred to generically as a Learning Management System (LMS).

Desktop browser support

The EduCare LMS is written in-line with industry web standards including XHTML, HTML5, and JavaScript. It should work correctly in any browser that supports these standards.

We recommended using a recent release of Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.

Software Specification

The EduCare LMS and e-learning content will work various hardware platforms, but the following is an example of a minimum specification that would be expected to deliver a rich, interactive user experience:

  • PC or Mac
  • Microsoft Windows 7 or above, Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra) or above, Modern Linux variant
  • 32-bit colour graphics
  • Keyboard and mouse
  • One of our recommended web browsers
  • Client-side JavaScript enabled for admin pages
  • For full functionality, pop-ups should be enabled for our LMS 

Mobile device support

The EduCare LMS is fully responsive and we aim to ensure that the product is usable both on traditional computers and on mobile devices. Areas such as navigation, expandable/collapsible sections, and actions should all work with both traditional and mobile controls.

Please note that some interactive content may not be fully accessible on all mobile devices.

Your IT support

In order to minimise the possibility of delays when first accessing our website, services or courses, we recommend that your IT department check the following points:

  • Ensure emails from email addresses are whitelisted so that we can contact you.
  • The EduCare LMS domain ( should be made a trusted site
  • Pop-up browser windows should be allowed for
  • Video streaming may need to be permitted through the IT firewall. We mainly use Vimeo and YouTube for streaming video.
  • Ensure JavaScript is enabled on the user’s PC
  • Ensure an adequate broadband connection for the number of learners.


If you experience any problems:

  • ensure you have a stable broadband connection
  • close the LMS and starting your session again
  • clear your cache
  • accept cookies
  • ensure private browsing and pop-up blockers are turned off.

If you require further information please contact us.