Are you protecting your teachers?

5 questions to assess staff wellbeing in line with Ofsted’s new Education Inspection Framework

The new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) comes into effect in September, so what do teachers, heads of schools, SENCos, and safeguarding and pastoral leads need to do to make sure they are compliant?

Responding to the stress and workloads of teachers and staff, the new EIF has prioritised teacher wellbeing – taking steps to respond to consultation feedback regarding notice periods, protecting teachers from bullying and harassment, and providing adequate support for staff.

To help ensure you meet the new EIF, below are five key questions that senior leaders should ask themselves. This will help determine their strengths and areas for improvement:

1) Are there robust policies and procedures in place that protect staff and pupils from bullying and harassment?

Providing clear guidelines for staff to follow is an effective way of communicating your school’s values and code of conduct. Formal policies and procedures also provide a tangible way of demonstrating the steps your school has taken to support teacher wellbeing.

2) Does your school have an in-depth induction process?

Implementing an in-depth induction process is complementary to developing robust policies and procedures as it is during this initial stage of onboarding that an understanding of the school’s norms and, importantly, reporting safeguarding process is achieved. Again, providing a record of which staff have completed this induction process is valuable evidence for Ofsted.

3) Does your school provide teachers with a mentoring programme?

Developing a mentoring programme is a great way to encourage knowledge sharing amongst staff. It is also a way of formalising a support network for teachers and staff, providing additional avenues for them to seek guidance for any challenges they face.

4) Do staff feel listened to and involved in shaping initiatives from the senior leadership team?

A key judgement from Ofsted assesses the ways in which leaders engage with their staff. Establishing clear lines of communication between leaders and staff to foster mutual respect but also allow for greater engagement. Inviting staff to play a key role in shaping initiatives will also strengthen relationships within the broader school community.

5) Do teachers feel safe?

Following reports of teacher harassment and bullying, Ofsted will assess schools on whether leaders have fostered a positive and respectful culture. This is with particular reference to spikes in bullying, peer-on-peer abuse and discrimination. Again, referring to robust policies and procedures will help teachers feel safe and provide them with clear reporting instructions.

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What can you do next?

Take the first step in understanding these changes and becoming compliant by downloading our report on Ofsted’s new Education Inspection Framework by filling out our form. Our advisors are also on hand to answer any questions you may have and support with safeguarding training.


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Ofsted's New Education Inspection Framework

What do you need to know?

Our free resource includes a breakdown of the key points, including a useful 6-point check to assess if you are following the latest confirmed inspection framework.

Ofsted Report

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