The Prevent duty

The Prevent duty

Following the tragic attacks in Manchester and then in London, the Prevent duty is being discussed again in the British media. But what is the Prevent duty and why is it so important in British schools?

Radicalisation is a gradual process that happens over time, making it possible to intervene and steer people away from being drawn into terrorism. As a member of staff who comes into regular contact with children and young people, you can help to identify patterns of behaviour that can show whether a person is engaged, is intent on causing harm or capable of committing violence.

The Prevent duty should be treated in the same way as any other safeguarding situation by reporting any concerns immediately to the school’s or setting’s designated safeguarding lead. As with all risks of harm to children and young people, the most important thing is to remain aware and alert that these things can and do happen, even in your school or early years setting.

We have prepared a resource with content taken directly from our Prevent Duty training course. We are sharing it in response to the tragic events in Manchester and London and hope that it is useful and informative.

The resource will take you through:

  • what Prevent is
  • what extremism and radicalisation are
  • who may be vulnerable
  • how messages are spread
  • how the Prevent duty may affect you.

Fundraising for Manchester: See the British Red Cross Society 'We Love Manchester' Emergency Fund Just Giving page.

If you have a concern

If you have a concern about a particular child or young person, in the first instance, you should follow your normal safeguarding procedures and/or speak to your designated safeguarding lead.

Where deemed necessary, the matter may be discussed with children’s social care. In Prevent priority areas, the local authority will have a Prevent lead who can also provide support.

You might also contact the local police force or dial 101, the non-emergency number to talk in confidence and get support and advice.

RESOURCE: What is the Prevent Duty?

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