What Safeguarding Training Can Bring To Your Workplace

What Safeguarding Training Can Bring To Your Workplace

Safeguarding is the term used to describe the mechanisms put in place to protect children and vulnerable persons while they’re in your care - may that be in a school, during extra-curricular activities or at a care home. 

Working with children and vulnerable adults can be incredibly rewarding and is undeniably vital work, but it also comes with an enormous degree of responsibility.

One of the best ways to ensure that yourself and your team are prepared to deal with these responsibilities is investing in training that’ll guide you through the essential aspects of safeguarding. Having a firm understanding of the principles of safeguarding brings a whole range of benefits to yourself and your team. It empowers your team to feel capable of dealing with any incidents that might arise at work that are based on the subjects of neglect and abuse.  

Download our infographic which clearly explains the top 5 benefits of safeguarding training.

Know the Signs of Abuse and Neglect

The first step of being able to effectively safeguard individuals is to be able to recognise which individuals in your care are at an increased risk of being vulnerable to abuse, neglect, or another form of mental and/or physical abuse. This forms the base for the next stage of safeguarding: recognising the tell-tale signs of abuse and neglect amongst those in your care. Being able to recognise symptoms of abuse and neglect enables your staff to actively monitor the young people in your care, being consciously aware of their well-being.

Being able to communicate with those within your care about their needs and concerns is really the crux of safeguarding. The training itself has a strong emphasis on communications skills, as well as how to actively and constructively engage individuals whose well-being you’re concerned about. In addition to being a crucial part of safeguarding, being able to effectively facilitate discussion between staff members and beneficiaries is an essential tool for all organisations or companies that work with children, young people and vulnerable people.

Develop Your Communication Ability

Additionally, these improved communication skills that your staff will develop have benefits that extend beyond those in your care. Being certified in safeguarding can encourage better communication between staff, stakeholders, and parents. In particular, parents will be able to come to you directly with questions related to the topic, knowing that you’ve undergone a professional certificate in this area.

In addition to teaching staff how to recognise and communicate about abuse and neglect, safeguarding training also teaches trainees how to effectively and appropriately report abuse. This is the most important part of the entire safeguarding process, as it’s essential to ensure the well-being of those who you’re reporting on behalf of.

Simply put, investing in your staff’s safeguarding abilities enables them to create a safer, more nurturing environment for those within your care.

Want to learn more about the benefits of EduCare’s safeguarding training? Get in touch!

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