Food Safety Week 2014: 'Don't wash raw chicken'.

Food Safety Week 2014: 'Don't wash raw chicken'.

The Food Standard Agency's Food Safety Week started yesterday, and this year the focus is on preparing and cooking raw chicken.

The reason? Splashing water from washing chicken can spread campylobacter – a food bug responsible for most cases of food poisoning. The easiest way to protect yourself is to follow four simple steps:

1. Cover and chill raw chicken at the bottom of the fridge

2. Don't wash raw chicken, preventing splashing

3. Wash used utensils to stop cross contamination

4. Cook the chicken thoroughly, and ensure it is steaming hot.

EduCare's Basic Food Hygiene training is specifically desgined for food handlers, particularly those using and storing raw ingredients and high-risk foods. The training covers all aspects of food hygiene, including contamination, food-borne illnesses, effective hygiene, and your legal responsibilities. Click here to find out more.

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Find out more about Food Safety Week 2014 here.

* Offer valid until 18 July 2014 on individual course purchases only. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount. Read our Terms and Conditions here.

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