Changing patterns of abuse
with Sharon White OBE, CEO, School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA)
Sharon White is recognised as a global expert on School Nursing and as a passionate advocate for children, young people and their families, as such, she works across national and international Government Departments influencing, challenging and developing policy whilst driving forward the school nursing profession.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Sharon and her colleagues have been supporting schools as they manage a wave of new referrals from families affected by the crisis. SAPHNA’s team is working with a growing number of children who were not previously considered to be vulnerable but who are now reporting new cases of abuse. Sharon will discuss how domestic violence reports have increased and how her team is providing support to those affected. She will also cover the range of Mental Health issues that SAPHNA are seeing and share the strategies they are using to help deal with those.
Due to technical issues, this webinar is split into two parts.
Click here to watch part 1 Click here to watch part 2